Thank you for registering for our
FREE self-defence workshop.

Here is some information about the workshop, what you can expect, and how to be involved.

Saturday 10th April from 1:00 - 3:00pm

What will I learn?

How to take charge! Feel more confident and safer. Learning some basic self-defence skills and techniques.

Situations that we will look at are the following:

  1. Hand Grabs
  2. Head Locks
  3. Strangles
  4. Floor Work
  5. Being Grabbed from Behind
  6. Basic Striking Skills and Targets

You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions and give us “What If” scenarios.

What if someone did this or that…

What Will I Need?

You won’t need any special equipment or kit.

We would however recommend (But it’s not essential) you have someone to train with. This will help you understand the techniques, skills and drill better and you’ll be able to visualise what you are doing easier.

Zoom Link ID

Please Note: 

You’ll need the Zoom App on your device in order to get involved: CLICK HERE FOR ZOOM

Zoom Meeting: Click here to join Workshop

If the link doesn’t work. Simply type the “Meeting ID” 834 5345 6290 and you will be taken straight to our lesson

12 Top Tips to Aid in BEING SAFE!

In the meantime. Here are a few practical ideas to help you keep safer.

  • Holding your head high, shoulders back.
  • Walking without headphones in – So you are aware of what’s going on around you.
  • Walk where there are street lights
  • Never walk down an alleyway – Take the long route around if needed.
  • Try to walk near the curbside – away from hedges & trees.
  • Cross the road if you feel you are being followed.
  • Knock on someone’s door to ask for help.
  • Night Clubbing Teens! Stay together, Don’t walk home on your own
  • Only accept a drink if you have seen it being poured by a member of staff.
  • Ensure you have money put to one side for a Taxi
  • Ensure you are always aware of what is going on around you.
  • Tell someone if you are feeling uneasy – In ANY environment.

We're looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.